
程轶平 北京交通大学 副教授 硕导

English Version



  • 办公电话:010-51684775
  • 电子邮箱:ypcheng@bjtu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:北京市海淀区西直门外上园村3号 北京交通大学自动化与智能学院
  • 邮编:100044


  • 1987-1992 中国科技大学计算机科学技术系,获工学学士学位
  • 1992-1996 东方通信公司工作
  • 1996-1999 清华大学工程物理系,核能科学与工程专业,工学硕士学位
  • 1999-2003 清华大学自动化系,控制理论与控制工程专业,获博士学位,研究方向为离散事件系统的代数方法,导师为郑大钟教授
  • 2003 至今 北京交通大学电子信息工程学院工作
  • 2005 被评为副教授


  •  离散事件系统的代数方法(极大代数,极小极大代数,及其在异步电路时序分析中的应用)
  •  系统与控制理论


  • 国家自然科学基金项目(NSFC):面向异步电路CAD的离散事件系统时间层次模型研究(主持)
  • 国家自然科学基金NSFC基础科学仪器专项项目:车载式在线电磁钢轨断轨检测仪器研制(参加)



  1. 程轶平, 基于多元线性回归的线性系统状态空间辨识算法,北京交通大学学报:自然科学版,no.2, 2014.
  2. 程轶平, 欧洲校企合作博士生培养的得失及其启示,科教文汇,no.16,2013.
  3. 谢景磊, 程轶平, 朱雳雄, 余浩, 刘泽, 电磁探伤系统中FPGA同步采样系统设计,现代科学仪器,no.1, 2013.
  4. 许羽, 刘泽, 程轶平, 电磁层析无损检测系统中碳纤维复合材料缺陷重建的仿真,无损检测,no.6, 2011.
  5. 程轶平,基于CARMA模型多变量系统的j步输出预估,控制与决策, no.9, 2006.(EI)
  6. 程轶平. 基于CARMA模型多变量系统的j步输出预估, 控制与决策,2006年9月
  7. 程轶平,郑大钟. 非自治非线性DEDS的周时研究. 控制与决策,18(3):295-299, May 2003. (EI)
  8. Yiping Cheng, Ze Liu, Optimized selection of sigma points in the unscented Kalman filter,2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 – Proceedings, p 3073-3075, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 – Proceedings
  9. Yiping Cheng,A predictor form state-space identification algorithm using multivariate linear regression,Chinese Control Conference, CCC, p 1877-1880, 2012, Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2012
  10. Yiping Cheng,An elementary state-space approach to the H2 optimal control problem ,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2008, p 607-611, 2008, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2008
  11. Ze Liu,Yu Xu,Xiaofei Zhang,Yali Pei,Yiping Cheng,Wuliang Yin,Simulation study on the characteristics of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics in electromagnetic tomography nondestructive evaluation systems, 2010 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2010, v 3, p 382-385, 2010
  12. Yiping Cheng, Improvement of the ARE strict bounded real lemma, 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009, p 2819-2824, 2009, 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009
  13. Yiping Cheng, Ze Liu,A state-space revisit to Redheffer’s theorem,2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2010, p 35-38, 2010, 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2010
  14. Yiping Cheng, Generalization of the theorems of alternatives in semidefinite programming,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2007, p 634-637, 2007, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2007
  15. Yiping Cheng, A linear algebraic approach to Kalman filtering,2010 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2010, v 1, p 122-125, 2010, 2010 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2010
  16. Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng,   An algorithm for timing verification of systems constrained by min-max inequalities,Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, v 17, n 1, p 99-129, March 2007
  17. Yiping Cheng, D.A.-Zhong  Zheng,Min-max inequalities and the timing verification problem with max and linear constraints,Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, v 15, n 2, p 119-143, June 2005
  18. Yiping Cheng, A survey of the theory of min-max systems,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 3645, n PART II, p 616-625, 2005, Advances in Intelligent Computing:  International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2005. Proceedings
  19. Yiping Cheng, Floating point computation of Cycle Time for min-max functions, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA’05, p 989-992, 2005, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA’05
  20. Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng. Min-max inequalities and the timing verification problem with max and linear constraints. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 15(2):119-143, June 2005. (SCI)
  21. Yiping Cheng. A survey of the theory of min-max systems. In: Proceedings 2005 Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2005), pp. 616-625, Hefei, China, Aug. 2005. (SCI, EI, ISTP)
  22. Yiping Cheng. Floating point computation of cycle time for min-max functions. In: Proceedings 2005 International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2005), pp. 989-992, Budapest, Hungary, June 2005. (EI, ISTP)
  23. Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng. A cycle time computing algorithm and its application in the structural analysis of min-max systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 14(1):5-30,2004. (SCI)
  24. Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng. Completeness of idempotent semifields and a generalization of the linear extension theorem in max-plus algebra. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Control and Automation, Xiamen, China, Jun. 2002.
  25. Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng. On the cycle time of non-autonomous min-max systems. In: Proceedings 2002 Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, Oct. 2002. (ISTP)
  26. Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng. Ultimate periodicity of orbits for min-max systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic 7(11):1937-1940, Nov. 2002.(SCI)



