Senior Engineer,Master Student Tutor
Email: shbli@bjtu.edu.cn
Add:Room 506, West Branch of the 9th Teaching Buiding, School of Electronic and Information Engineering
Beijing Jiaotong University
- 1990-1994,Bachelor’s degree of Engineering, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.
- 2004-2007, Master’s degree of Engineering, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, BeiJing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.
Research Interests
- Rail Automation and Control Technology of Rail Transit
- Intelligent Traffic Control System
- Control Engineering(professional degree)
Teaching Activities
- Teaching course for undergraduate:
- Railway signal operation.
- Introduction to railway signal.
- Railway signal foundation.
- Railway signal school (Volume oneon).
- Automatic control of shunting marshalling station.
- RThe railway signal control system.
- CThe computer interlocking technology.
- Received the title of outstanding teachers of Northern Jiaotong University.
Handouts editor:
- Railway signal study (The main author written).
- Traffic signal and control (Participated).
Teaching Project:
- University teaching reform project involved 1:Automation (signal) on training mode of professional characteristic railway industry personnel.
- EParticipate in the completion of excellent engineer education and training scheme—National Engineering Practice Education Center Construction Project, participated..
- EParticipate in the completion of excellent engineer education and training scheme—National campus practice education center construction project, participated.
- Construction scheme of tComplete technical position adimittance ofequipment system train control system & signal equipment of High-speed Railway full-time admittance, the train control High-speed Rail signal equipment full-time technical qualification admittance system construction scheme.
Students Training:
- Directed theMore than 50 undergraduate graduation design of more than 50 undergraduatesguidance.
- EThe establishedhment of 6 undergraduate internship bases.
- Intership advisor for With the practice of 15 classes.
- Directed independentlyCulture independent 4 Postgraduates.
- The National Natural Science Fund: Traffic flow information collection and signal setting module test, 2013-12-21–2014-5-20, participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: ARM-based control system for rail transport drill, 2013-8-28–2014-3-28, participated;
- The fundamental research funds: Research on the key technology of track circuit of PHM dynamic model based on FNN, 2014-1-1–2015-12-31, participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: Expand the test train operation monitoring and early warning system, 2013-6-20–2013-12-31, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: The TBTS-V5 control system (The fifth generation of train brake test system), 2013-6-1–2013-12-31, participated;
- The Ministry of science and technology “863”: Analysis and test data processing area traffic control system, 2012-1-1–2013-12-31, pParticipated;
- The National Natural Science Fund “the other”:120Km/h Vehicle mounted online electromagnetic rail broken rail detection instrument, 2013-1-1–2016-12-31,participated;
- Other parts of the city: Car trailer test , 2012-11-5–2012-12-20,20 million RMB, participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: Train operation monitoring and early warning system, 2012-6-1–2012-12-31, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- The fundamental research funds: Research on multi camera tracking real-time target recognition based on incremental learning Bayesian inference, 2012-3-30–2014-3-1, participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: Signaling & Communication continuing education syllabus prepared, 2010-6-2–2011-4-30, participated;
- The National Natural Science Fund: Development of electromagnetic tomography of rail damage detection and analysis instrument, 2011-1-1–2013-12-31,participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: Remote control signal power supply and switching system, 2010-9-10–2010-12-15,Principle Investigatorpreside;
- International Cooperation: Hongkong city rail based system integrated technology services,2009-10-31–2010-6-30, participated;
- Study on analysis method of train operation control system RAMS, 2009-9-1–2010-12-31,500000 million RMB, participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: The development of new type of track circuit system,2008-5-5–2009-12-31, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- The Ministry of science and technology “863”: Application of electromagnetic tomography in the detection of rail nuclear injury, 2007-12-15–2009-12-15, participated;
- National Natural Science Foundation of China “on the surface”: Research rail damage detection based on electromagnetic tomography injuries,2008-1-1–2010-12-31, pParticipated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Innovation Center: Intelligent Railway signal system to expand the test, 2007-4-1–2007-12-31,Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University: Intelligent Railway signal system, 2006-4-1–2006-12-31,Principle Investigatorpreside;
- The Ministry of Science and Technology Division: Writing Test Description, 2004-12-1– 2006-12-31, participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Technology Development Center: First National Safe Production and technical equipment exhibition-sandbox Computer Interlocking Control, 2005-5-12– 2005-7-8,Principle Investigator preside;
- The Ministry of Science and Technology Division: Datong-Qinhuangdao line signal jamming equipment systems research -2, 2004-1-12–2005-11-30, participated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University: LED lights Development, 2004-8-27–2004-12-27, 20000 million RMB, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University: The scheme of security monitoring and early warning research center of Kunming Railway Bureau,2004-7-30–2004-12-30, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University: General control system development, 2004-8-12–2004-9-30, 520000 million RMB, pParticipated;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Development Center: Wine steel company Department Jiadong hump computer transport interlocking system , 2003-7-31–2003-8-31, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University: Railway computer interlocking control system of sand table teaching,2003-1-12–2003-3-31, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Development Center: Operations teaching computer interlocking system device-related software, 2001-10-29–2001-10-23, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Development Center: A3 digitizer, 2001-10-29–2001-10-20, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Development Center: Railway transportation comprehensive interlocking walkthrough system, 2002-7-1—2003-6-30, Principle Investigatorpreside;
- Beijing Jiaotong University Science and Technology Development Center: Teaching simulation system, 2001-8-1–2001-11-30,Principle Investigatorpreside;
- The Ministry of Science and Technology Division: Research of computer interlocking system is even used in electrified railway anti-jamming performance and test system, 1999-5-1– 2000-12-1, pParticipated;
Academic Achievement
Journal Papers
- Li ShaoBin.Design and implementation of railway screen monitoring platform power supply for LabVIEW,Modern electronic technology,2012-09,35(17),171:176;
- Li ShaoBin,Jiang Daming. Design and Realization of interlock system in railway transportation comprehensive drills,China Railway,2006-06,6,39:40;
- Li ShaoBin,Jiang Daming. Featured Industry Research Training Mode Automation (signal) Professional railway,Construction Research and Practice of Undergraduate Education Reform Research Universities,2008,1,154:158;
- Li ShaoBin.A new type of remote intelligent power monitoring switching system remote communication protocol based on TCP/IP,Modern electronic technology,2012-06,35(11), 115:119;
- Li ShaoBin,He Junfeng.Video transmission technology of mobile IP network, China communication signal,2006-10,42(10),57:60;
- Huang Zanwu,Li ShaoBin. Development of high voltage asymmetric pulse track circuit system network,Railway Computer Application ,2011-09,20(9),10:12;
- Huang Zanwu,Wei Xueye,Li ShaoBin. The technical structure of track circuit failure prediction and health management,Computer engineering and Application ,2012-10,38(20), 232:235.
Conference Papers
- Li Shaobin, Man Zhongtian, Wangxing Min, Fu Wenxiu, Zhou Fangmei. Construction and study of finite element model of thoracolumbar spine based on CT images,2011 13th IEEE Joint International Computer Science and Information Technology Conference ,Chongqing ,2011-08;
- Li Shaobin,Man Zhongtian; Fu Wenxiu; Wangxing Min; Liu Yuting.Construction and Stress Analysis of 3D Finite Element Model of Human Lumbar ,2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems ,Yantai,2011-08.
- Yang Shiwu, Huang Zanwu, Bi Hongjun, Wang Haifeng, Li Shaobin, Wang Guodong, Chen Song。Anti interference technology of railway signal.Beijing Jiaotong University press,ISBN number: 978-7-5121-1196-7, Beijing, 2012-10.
- Tan Yan, Cao Yu, Mo Zhisong, Jiang Xiyi, Li Kai, Cai Bogen, Wang Junfeng, LiKaicheng, Li Shaobin, Dai Sheng Hua, Fu Wenxiu, Yang Shiwu, Huang Zanwu, Yi Fazhen, Zhou Yonghua, Zhang San Tong, Chen Yongjun, Wang Jian, Pan Ji Jun, Jiang Ming, Yu Zhiyang, Miao yu. Signal system for high speed railway, China Railway Publishing House, ISBN No.: 978-7-113-17479-8, Beijing, 2013-11.
Honors and Awards
- 2ndIn 2014 won the two prize of railway science and technology award of Chinese Railway Society, 2014;
- 3rdIn 2013 won the three prize of scientific and technological progress in Yunnan province, 2013;
- 3rdIn 2011 won the three prize of railway science and technology award of Chinese Railway Society, 2011;
- 3rdIn 2004 won the three prize of scientific and technological progress in Yunnan province, 2004;
- “School enterprise integration – the comprehensive construction of national engineering practice education center project” won the first prize of excellent teaching achievement of Beijing Jiaotong University in 2012;
- Won the excellent result of annual position assessment ofThe 2011-2013 year for three consecutive years Beijing Jiaotong University from 2011to 2013 assessment outstanding job duties;
- OIn 2007 won the title of outstanding teachers of Beijing Jiaotong University, 2007;
- 2ndIn 2010 won the two prize of scientific and technological progress of Kunming Railway Bureau, 2010;
- 3rdIn 2009 won the three prize of scientific and technological progress of Kunming Railway Bureau, 2009;
- The outstanding classmaster title;
- In 2004 won the two prize of sScientific rResearch of School of Electronic and Information Engineering, 2004 Institute;
- In 20010 by the electronic school of Social sService aAward of School of Electronic and Information Engineering, 2010;
- In 2012 won the two prize of personnel training award of School of Eelectronic and Iinformation Eengineering college to cultivate talents, 2012..