Yu Miao Associate Professor
- Tel:+86-010-51688246
- Contact to: ymiao@bjtu.edu.cn
- Add:Room 505, West Branch of the 9th Teaching Building, Beijing Jiaotong University
- 1996-1999, Master’s degree of Engineering, Telecommunication and Control Department, Northern JiaoTong University, Beijing, China
- 1989-1993, Bachelor’s degree of Engineering, Automatic Control Engineering Department, Tianjin University of Technology and Education , Tianjin, China
Research Interests
- Rail Inspection, Nondestructive Testing
- Electromagnetic Tomography, Signal Processing
- Intelligent Control
Teaching Activities
- Theory of Automatic Control (For Undergraduate)
- Theory of modern Control (For Undergraduate)
- Theory of Microcomputer (For Undergraduate)
- Theory and Application of Singlechip (For Undergraduate)
- 2011.6-2016.12 “Development of vehicle-mounted online electromagnetic broken rail detection instrument”, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- 2013.1-2013.6 “Development of a Train Break Test System(TBTS)”, Program of Kunming Railway
- 2011.6-2013.6 ”Electromagnetic tomography scatheless detection of carbon fibre composite defect”, supported by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, the Ministry of Education of China.
- 2011.1-2013.12 ”Development of electromagnetic tomography of rail damage detection and analysis instrument”, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- 2010.1-2012.12 ”Research on adaptive stabilization of the stochastic jump systems with unknown parameters”, supported by Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- 2008.10-2010.10 ”Development of key technology in comprehensive monitoring system of railway signal and communication (Second Stage)” ,Program of Beijing Jiaoda Microunion Tech.co.Ltd.
- 2008.10-2010.12 ”Rail severe damage detection based on electromagnetic tomography”, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program).
- 2004.1-2004.12 ”Research on reliability standards and verification method of signal system”, supported by Science and Technology Development Center of Beijing Jiaotong University
- 2004.9-2005.12 ”Study on acceleration change rule in train running”, supported by the Ministry of Railway of China.
- 2003.12-2004.5 ”Development of microcomputer monitoring system of hump signal in Shangqiubei railway station”, Program of Zhengzhou Railway Bureau.
- 2003.5-2004.1 ”Development of portable monitor of electrical equipment fault”, supported by the Ministry of Railway of China.
- 2001.6-2001.10 ”Development of microcomputer monitoring system of hump signal in Luoyangbei railway station”, Program of Zhengzhou Railway Bureau.
- 2001.6-2001.10 ”Development of portable microcomputer monitor”, supported by the Ministry of Railway of China.
- 1999.12-2000.5 ”Development of microcomputer monitoring system of hump signal in Chifeng railway station”, Program of Jinin Railway Bureau.
Academic Achievement
Journal Papers
- Yu Miao, Daming Jiang. Application of Question Net Teaching Method in Principle of Automatic control, Journal of Electrical &Electronic Education, 36(3), pp.53-55, 2014
- Yu Miao, Daming Jiang. Monitoring of high-speed railway safety guarantee system and disaster alarm system , Railway Signalling & Communication, 35(5), pp.32-34, 1999
- Yu Miao, Daming Jiang. A preliminary study on the security system of high speed railway ,Chinese Railways,(12),pp.14-16,1998
Conference Papers
- Yu Miao, Yinhang Chen.Study on train operation adjustment system based on multiagent, Proceedings of the 5th world congress on intelligent control and automation, ISBN 0-7803-8273-0,, pp5279-5282,Hangzhou,China,June15-19,2004.
- Yu Miao, Yinhang Chen. The development and key techniques of outdoor autonomous wheel mobile robot, The national Doctoral Forum (Transportation Science), ISBN 7-113-06611-9, 989-993, Beijing,China,July,20-27,2005.
- Yu Miao, Daming Jiang, “Automatic Control Theory”(the 2nd edition), published by TsingHua Universituy Press &Beijing JiaoTong Univercity Press, ISBN 978-7-5121-1294-0, Beijing, january 2013.
- Daming Jiang, Shenghua Dai“,Automatic Control Theory”, published by TsingHua Universituy Press &Beijing JiaoTong Univercity Press, ISBN 978-7-81082-053-0, Beijing, March 2003.
@ Magtomo Lab